weighbridges in indian scenrio

Weighbridge Calibration - Weight Difference as Realistic weighing Scenario In India

Weighbridge Calibration - Weight Difference A Realistic Weighing Scenario In India

This article will help you understand how to get the best output from your weighbridges in a realistic scenario in India. We look into how weight difference in weighbridges is a constant challenge to businesses and how to overcome it.

Having your weighbridge display accurate weight is very challenging. Weighbridges are a precision instrument that measures trucks with load. And this is quite a task for an instrument that needs to deliver precision.

It is important to understand the common practices regarding the weighbridge. This will give us a clear picture of how prevalent is the “weight difference” situations.

You may not have tried this, but you will find a weight difference if you recheck your weighbridge’s calibration with the same weight used to calibrate it last time.

Or say you calibrated your Weighbridge-A against Weighbridge-B a few months back. You have matched the weight measured in A to be the same as that of B by nullifying the weight difference between them. If you think that the weight difference between A and B will be the same, you might be wrong to a great extent.

This does not mean that there has been a mistake in measuring the weight, it simply means that your weighbridge needs a recalibration.

Recalibration is not a challenge. The challenge is when or how can one identify that the weight difference in the weighbridge demands recalibration.

Let us look at another very realistic scenario in terms of weighbridge usage that leads to a weight difference in weighbridges.

We have been almost blaring in each of our articles regarding the importance of managing linearity issues. We find consistently businesses ignoring it.

You can learn more about linearity in this blog.

If we put it straight forward – You are draining your profits if you overlook non-linearity errors in your weighbridge.

The ideal way to get your weighbridges calibrated is by using test weights. As it is tough to find test weights we rather use a way around.

We calibrate one weighbridge against another with a single truckload. Now the non-linearity in simple terms mean that the weight difference in weighbridges differ with different weight.

The correct way of calibrating weighbridges against a mother weighbridge is to follow a five-step process. In the 5-step process, the weight difference in weighbridges in their full capacity spectrum is measured and compared against the mother weighbridge. It is then calibrated against different weight ranges. This way your weighbridge is covered against the linearity issue.

Tulsi Weigh Solutions is your one-stop destination for all your weighing solutions. It is one of the top weighbridge manufacturers in Kolkata and all over India. With 70+ years of experience, Tulsi supplies 1000+ weighbridges all over India. We focus on quality and continuously strive to be updated with modern technology. Our experts offer uninterrupted services and on-time delivery. We provide on-time and uninterrupted services and efficiently solve our client’s issues.

Our top clients are:

  • Tata tea
  • Dalmia Group
  • Shyam Steel
  • Bajaj
  • Rashmi Group

If you are getting your load cells replaced, make sure you get pre-calibrated load cells.

Depending on the frequency of weighbridge usage it is a good practice to calibrate your weighbridge once or twice in 3 months.

As always stressed, keep a proper maintenance schedule/process for your weighbridge. After all your weighbridge is responsible for the most fundamental process of your business – weighing.


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