The Ultimate Guide To Pitless Weighbridges And Pit Type Weighbridges

Before knowing the factors to consider before buying pit-less or pit-type weighbridges, you need to know what are these and how they work in reality.


Pit type weighbridges

A pit is to be created for the installation of pit-type weighbridges. Vehicles are driven onto the platform and weighed while stationary.

Pit fewer weighbridges

No pit is created for pitless weighbridges; a weighing platform is made above ground level. Vehicles are driven onto the platform and weighed while stationary.

Choosing between a pitless and a pit-type weighbridge is no more a hassle. You can easily clear up your doubts once you go through these factors-

  1. The structure: For pitless weighbridges, a ramp is to be created for weighing heavy-duty vehicles, whereas pit-type weighbridges are installed at ground level.
  2. Space required: Pitless weighbridges require more space during installation than pit-type weighbridges. 
  3. The safety of load cells: Since the pitless is installed above ground level, the accumulated water can be easily drawn away. Furthermore, this will not cause any damage to the load cells. On the other hand, water gets clogged in pitless weighbridges which damages the load cell.
  4. Durability: Pitless weighbridges have longer durability and better load cell accuracy than pit-type weighbridges.
  5. Vehicle entry and exit facility: On pit-type weighbridges, vehicles can enter and exit from both sides of the ramp, whereas on pitless weighbridges, vehicles can enter and exit only through one side.
  6. Water logging issues: Pitless weighbridges face no water logging issues, whereas pit-type weighbridges do face water logging issues.

Your usage and industrial requirements allow you to decide whether you need a pit type and pitless weighbridges. 

How can Tulsi Weigh Solutions Pvt. Ltd. guide you?

We are a weighbridge manufacturer company with 70+ experience, supplying 1000+ weighbridges all over India. We focus on client requirements and customize the machines accordingly. We provide on-time services remotely and physically which will ease most of the problems instantly.

Quality is the main key in our weighbridges and are proud to showcase the major clients we’ve dealt with-

  • Tata tea
  • Dalmia Group
  • Shyam Steel
  • Bajaj
  • Rashmi Group

So, let us know your requirements and get your pitless or pit-type weighbridge now!



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