Which one to choose – Motion or Static Weighbridge Machine?

Which one to choose—Motion or Static Weighbridge Machine?

Weighbridge machines hold importance in factories for businesses. There are different types of weighbridges to install for various purposes.

Out of the different types, there’s one called motion weighbridges, and the other is called static weighbridges.

 So, let’s know about these weighbridge machines in detail:

  1.  Motion weighbridges: The weighbridges that weigh vehicles when they’re in motion are called motion weighbridges. These types of weighbridges are technologically sound and have excellent sensors. They are also called dynamic weighbridges or in-motion weighbridges. As the name suggests, motion weighbridges can automatically weigh the vehicles passing through. This further ensures the smooth running of factories with more real-time data.
  2. Static weighbridges are those that weigh vehicles when static. Hence the name static weighbridges. This means that a vehicle needs to stop or be static and wait on the weighbridge for a successful weigh. They provide high precision weighs but cannot beat the speed of motion weighbridges in weighing the vehicles.


Factors to consider when choosing between motion and static weighbridge machines –

  1. Accuracy: The accuracy of weighbridges matters a lot. It is dependent on various factors. However, when it comes to deciding whether motion or static weighbridges give the highest accuracy, the latter should be chosen. Due to the static nature of the weighment procedure in static weighbridges, it is noticeable that they give a most precise weighment than motion weighbridges.
  2. Weighment procedure: The weighment procedure in both weighbridge machines is different. In motion weighbridges, the vehicles are weighed while in passing mode, whereas vehicles are stopped on static weighbridges for the weighment.
  3. Versatility: Static weighbridges can weigh a wide range of vehicles. On the other hand, motion weighbridges do not have the potential to weigh heavy-laden vehicles frequently. The accuracy might not be stable if the load increases on in-motion weighbridges.
  4. Time-consuming: When it comes to swift weighment and less time to weigh vehicles, motion weighbridges are the most in demand. They help get rid of vehicle queuing at factory entrances. On the contrary, static weighbridges take more time to weigh vehicles.
  5. Expenditure: Due to the lack of advanced technology applied to motion in static weighbridges, they cost much less. However, motion weighbridge machines are expensive because of the most advanced technology and sensors they contain.

 So, it’s quite clear that every weighbridge has different purposes. There is no ideal weighbridge for business. You just have to match your requirements and then choose which weighbridge machine suits you the best. many weighbridge manufacturers provide weighing solutions, but many guide you wrong, and you eventually face loss.

 To avoid up to 87 lakhs in your business, Tulsi Weigh Solutions, since 1952, has been diligently serving its customers by helping them choose the right weighbridge machine for their needs. We focus on client requirements and customize the machines accordingly. We provide on-time services remotely and physically, which will ease most of the problems instantly. Quality is the main key in our weighbridges, and we are proud to showcase the major clients we’ve dealt with:

  • Tata tea
  • Dalmia Group
  • Shyam Steel
  • Bajaj
  • Rashmi Group


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